Rengganis Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 2024-06-08T06:40:57+00:00 Dr. Amrullah, M.Si. Open Journal Systems <p align="justify"><img src="/public/site/images/denyadmin/rengganis_logo.png" width="85" height="85"><strong>Rengganis Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat</strong> merupakan jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Mataram memuat artikel-artikel ilmiah mengenai berbagai aktivitas pengabdian dan pemberdayaan masyarakat dari berbagai disiplin ilmu diantaranya kependidikan, matematika dan sains, sosial, pertanian dan peternakan, bahasa, bisnis dan ekonomi, teknik dan kejuruan, serta kesenian.</p> <p align="justify">Frekuesi terbitan sebanyak 2 kali, yakni <strong>Mei</strong>&nbsp;dan <strong>November</strong></p> <p align="justify">&nbsp;</p> Pengenalan Rapor Pendidikan pada SDN 2 Taman Ayu 2023-12-13T02:22:03+00:00 Ketut Ary Sujaya Amniatin Naqiyah Baiq Elda Dinisa Putri Bq. Meli Reksa Heriani Arma Sentia Lestari Ratih Puspita Sari Rabiatul Adawiyah Refani Pramunita <p>Rapor Pendidikan is one of the platforms provided by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. This platform displays the results of the school's Computer-Based National Assessment and Data-Based Planning. SDN 2 Taman Ayu is one of the schools in West Lombok that has not yet taken full advantage of this platform. This has an impact on the lack of information obtained so that the real problems that occur in schools are difficult to know. This service activity aims to disseminate the Rapor Pendidikan at SDN 2 Taman Ayu so that later it can be used as a support to find out the real problems that are occurring so that the school can prepare targeted plans to resolve these problems based on data in the field. The target of this dissemination is all educational staff at SDN 2 Taman Ayu. From this dissemination, the school know the real problems that are occurring and will design improvements programs as a solution to these problems</p> 2023-12-12T04:14:22+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ketut Ary Sujaya, Amniatin Naqiyah, Baiq Elda Dinisa Putri, Bq. Meli Reksa Heriani, Arma Sentia Lestari, Ratih Puspita Sari, Rabiatul Adawiyah, Refani Pramunita Pengolahan Sampah Plastik Menjadi Ecobrick (Sofa) Dalam Upaya Mengurangi Sampah Plastik di SMPN 16 Mataram 2023-12-13T02:21:47+00:00 Rendi Gunawan Hijrotussulusi Dea Nadia Nisa Hidayatullah <p>Waste is one of the problems that become a problem in various regions. Waste is the main factor causing various kinds of disasters, such as infectious diseases, environmental pollution, and the sustainability of living things. For this reason, this article aims to provide education to residents of SMPN 16 Mataram as a solution to reduce plastic waste in the school environment by processing plastic waste into appropriate and economically valuable goods, namely ecobricks. The method or stage for processing plastic waste into ecobricks is to provide socialization to students about ecobricks, from understanding, benefits and uses, preparing tools and materials used, collecting waste and plastic bottles, sorting waste, washing waste and collected bottles, drying and cleaning plastic waste, cutting clean garbage, filling bottles with plastic waste, putting bottles together and stringing bottles, and coating bottles that have been put together with plywood and foam. The results of this activity received a positive response from residents of SMPN 16 Mataram, can minimize plastic waste in the school environment, and make ecobricks (sofas).</p> 2023-12-12T05:12:50+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rendi Gunawan, Hijrotussulusi , Dea Nadia; Nisa Hidayatullah Revitalisasi Perpustakaan untuk Meningkatkan Literasi Siswa SD Negeri 2 Babussalam 2023-12-15T02:22:52+00:00 Andika Rizky Pratama Baiq Hana Febriana Mutmainnah Putri Lusiana <p>Libraries that do not function optimally result in very low student literacy interest and concentration so that revitalizing the library is mandatory to increase student literacy interest. The method carried out is by diffusion of science and technology, namely rebuilding the library by rearranging reading books, changing the atmosphere of the library. The library can regain its role as a source of information for students, based on student visits to the library to increase so that student literacy increases. The involvement of various parties plays an important role in the implementation of revitalization and there needs to be continuous action taken to continue to maintain the condition and function of the library. The result of the service is the improvement of literacy of SD Negeri 2 Babussalam students and the ability to manage libraries by the school</p> 2023-12-14T02:24:39+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Andika Rizky Pratama, Baiq Hana Febriana, Mutmainnah, Putri Lusiana Sosialisasi Pengolahan Sampah Anorganik kepada Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 7 Mataram 2023-12-19T02:30:22+00:00 Muhammad Tabroni Nyoman Lolly Tirta Sudibya Krisna Jivani Dasusmi Laila Fadila Mubdiya Diniyati Shobah Vetty Sugiarty Barinta Nur Respasari Tabita Wahyu Triutami <p>Inorganic waste is waste that is difficult to decompose, for example, plastic snacks, plastic bags, plastic/glass bottles, etc. Handling inorganic waste requires attention because wise methods are needed to manage and recycle inorganic waste properly. Because in reality, inorganic waste is the largest waste produced by humans. This can be seen from the accumulation of plastic waste around humans. Therefore, this activity aims to provide students with direct knowledge of how to process inorganic waste into valuable products. The method used in this journal is a qualitative descriptive method. This activity was carried out in class VIII I of SMP Negeri 7 Mstaram starting from 2 – 26 October 2023. The total number of students in this class is 40 students. The method of implementing this activity includes several stages, namely the problem identification stage, the action planning stage, the action implementation stage, and the final stage is turning around the results and actions. The products produced from processing this inorganic waste are handicrafts such as pencil cases, flower vases, pots, cars, and so on. Then the students' handicrafts were packaged and displayed. It is hoped that this activity can continue to be carried out and developed by the school to improve the quality of learning and improve student performance in processing and utilizing inorganic waste effectively and efficiently.</p> 2023-12-15T03:22:56+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Krisna Jivani Dasusmi, Nyoman Lolly Tirta Sudibya, Laila Fadila, Mubdiya Diniyati Shobah, Vetty Sugiarty, Barinta Nur Respasari, Tabita Wahyu Triutami Peningkatan Literasi Siswa Melalui Program Pojok Baca Oleh Kampus Mengajar 6 di Berbagai Sekolah Dasar 2023-12-18T02:31:20+00:00 Marzela Faiza Maudina Bunga Khairunnisa Muhammad Abdul Gani Ririn Farianti Riska Rahmawati Hasan Sopiana Handita Putri <p>Developing and increasing literacy is one of the problems currently being faced. The lack of interest in literacy and interest in reading, especially among children, is caused by, among other things, excessive use of gadgets. With this problem, it is feared that there will be more and more children who have low interest in reading. This research aims to determine the increase in student literacy among children, especially elementary school students, through one of the prestigious independent campus learning (MBKM) programs, namely the Teaching Campus. This increase in literacy will be carried out through one of the work programs implemented, namely the reading corner. The method used in this research is descriptive research. The locations of this research are several elementary schools in West Nusa Tenggara province. The samples used were 5th grade elementary school students and students. The final result of this activity is an increase in reading interest and literacy levels among students at the elementary school level through the Reading Corner program.</p> 2023-12-15T03:26:05+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Marzela Faiza, Maudina Bunga Khairunnisa, Muhammad Abdul Gani, Ririn Farianti, Riska Rahmawati Hasan, Sopiana Handita Putri Implementasi SDGs Pada Anak Usia Sekolah Dasar Melalui BerLiMPah (Bersama Lima Menit Pungut Sampah) 2023-12-18T02:31:01+00:00 Latifa Destami Unggul Meiliza Erfa Rahim Nadia Kinanti Fazira Nadiyatush Sholihah Nila Rizkiana <p>This article discusses the implementation of <em>SDGs</em> in community service research, especially education on the grouping of waste types in State Elementary School 38 Mataram as a first step to increase students' awareness of the importance of sorting types of waste. Based on observations made, it was found that there has been no concrete action on grouping organic and inorganic waste in State Elementary School 38 Mataram. Therefore, students of the mathematics education study program at Mataram University who are registered as participants in the teaching campus of batch 6 placement of State Elementary School 38 Mataram initiated the "BerLiMPah" program. The purpose of this program is to provide knowledge related to sorting types of organic and inorganic waste, improve students' caring attitudes towards the environment, form a character cleanliness is part of faith, and familiarize students to always throw garbage in its place. The implementation method of the "BerLiMPah" program uses educational methods through the stages of preparation, socialization, and daily application. The result of the "BerLiMPah" program is that students know and understand the importance of sorting waste according to its type, the growth of positive habits to always maintain the cleanliness of the environment, especially the school environment, and the school environment becomes cleaner and convenient for the implementation of teaching and learning activities. It is hoped that this research can be continued and carried out more optimally in every community environment, not just in elementary schools, seeing that the objectives of research through this program are very important, one of which is as an effort to implement Indonesia's SDGs.</p> 2023-12-15T04:28:30+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Latifa Destami Unggul Peningkatan Literasi Siswa Disleksia SDN 26 Ampenan dengan Mengadakan Kelas Literasi 2023-12-16T02:23:50+00:00 Auliya Muhimmatul Khoiroh Ayim Binasti Ni Putu Ayu Listiani Nilam Mulia Asri Nurul Magfirah Rekha Hesti Syafitri Zannur Maulida Aulya <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>Dyslexia is a learning difficulty in children that causes difficulties in writing, reading, spelling and speaking, but there are also difficulties that generally appear between the ages of 7 and 12 years. Dyslexia factors are divided into three areas: educational, psychological, and biological. This service aims to describe dyslexia disorders in children, the factors that cause children to become dyslexic disorders, and educators' efforts to overcome the problem of dyslexia disorders and be able to understand the conditions experienced by people with dyslexia so that they can improve the literacy skills of dyslexic students. This service uses observation and interview methods and there are several stages of the implementation method. The service target consisted of 4 students from SDN 26 Ampenan. In this service, the writing team seeks to improve the literacy skills of dyslexic students. Students who experience dyslexia are affected by difficulty recognizing letters so they tend to experience delays during the learning process.</em></p> 2023-12-15T04:45:36+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rekha Hesti Syafitri Kontribusi Mahasiswa Kampus Mengajar Angkatan 6 Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Literasi dan Numerasi Siswa di SDN 8 Cakranegara 2023-12-20T02:33:42+00:00 I Gusti Ayu Astuti Suryaningrum Puspita Dwi Kurnia Siti Rahmawati <p>Literacy and numeracy skills are basic competencies that every student must have in order to learn well and serve as a foundation of knowledge for learning in higher classes.&nbsp; Literacy skills are not limited to just the ability to read, but also include the ability to analyze a reading text and understand its meaning and concepts.&nbsp; Meanwhile, numeracy abilities include skills in applying mathematical concepts to solve practical problems in various situations in everyday life.&nbsp; The campus teaching program at elementary school 8 Cakranegara aims to help the school in the learning process, especially in the areas of literacy and numeracy. The method used in this service starts from stage (1) Pre-activity, namely debriefing; (2) Observation of placement schools; (3) Prepare an activity program design; (4) Conducting communication forums and school coordination; (5) Carry out the agreed work program and (6) Evaluate the implementation of activities. The target of this service activity is all students in elementary school 8 Cakranegara. To improve students' literacy and numeracy skills, researchers implemented several work programs, including Saturday storytelling programs, calistung tutoring, using learning media during the teaching and learning process, and implementing contextual learning.&nbsp; These programs have a positive impact on the school environment, especially in terms of improving the literacy and numeracy skills of students at elementary school 8 Cakranegara</p> 2023-12-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 I Gusti Ayu Astuti Suryaningrum, Puspita Dwi Kurnia, Siti Rahmawati Program Kampus Mengajar Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Literasi dan Numerasi Siswa SDN 19 Ampenan 2023-12-19T02:30:45+00:00 Najela Dekantari <p>Salah satu program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) adalah Program Kampus Mengajar, yang bertujuan untuk membantu pendidikan di sekolah dasar di berbagai Desa dan Kota, salah satunya adalah di SDN 19 Ampenan Kota Mataram, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat. Pada program ini, mahasiswa bertanggung jawab untuk membantu sekolah dalam proses mengajar, administrasi, adaptasi teknologi, dan pelaksanaan program mitigasi iklim. Selain itu, mahasiswa juga bertanggung jawab untuk meningkatkan moral siswa dan meningkatkan minat siswa untuk belajar. Hasil yang diharapkan dari program ini adalah peningkatan kepekaan sosial mahasiswa untuk membantu masyarakat sekitar, peningkatan keterampilan berpikir mahasiswa dalam bekerja sama dengan guru dari berbagai bidang ilmu dalam menyelesaikan masalah, dan pengembangan wawasan, karakter, dan keterampilan soft skills. Dengan adanya kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut, tujuan dari program Kampus Mengajar akan tercapai.</p> 2023-12-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Najela Dekantari Membangun Kesadaran Bersama Melalui Seminar Pencegahan Pelecehan Seksual di SMP Nusa Alam 2023-12-19T02:30:09+00:00 Wafasari Wafasari Prily Wiske Widiya Putri Leza Puastri Putri <p>Sexual harassment is any form of harassing or degrading behaviour related to sexual urges, harming or making uncomfortable a person who is subjected to such behaviour, or any behaviour that forces a person to engage in sexual intercourse or become an object of unwanted sexual attention, data from the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection issued data on the number of cases of violence in 2023 reaching 25,342, and recorded acts of sexual violence that occurred in Mataram City throughout 2023 recorded 30 cases. Of that number, most of them happened to children. Therefore, we as students of Teaching Campus 6 conducted an activity that aims to foster mutual awareness regarding the prevention of sexual abuse in children. The methods used in this activity are discussion and seminar methods. The results of this seminar activity are increased awareness, concern and insight of students related to sexual harassment, as well as how to prevent and handle victims of sexual harassment both at school and in the community.</p> 2023-12-19T01:08:59+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Wafasari Wafasari, Prily Wiske Widiya Putri, Leza Puastri Putri MELATI (Melek TI): Pelatihan Microsoft Office untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Digital Guru di SD-SMP Satu Atap 4 Gunungsari 2023-12-20T02:33:24+00:00 Wirda Hasanah Elpa Nispita Sari Arini Fatma Rahmayanti Ida Ayu Nindya Sari Irma Husnantia Putri I Wayan Gunada Widuri Permata Anggarbini Rayes <p>The Kampus Mengajar program, a key component of the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka initiative, aims to develop students' character and skills across various fields. This study focuses on assessing the impact of student participation in assisting teachers at SD-SMP Negeri Satu Atap 4 Gunungsari with technology adaptation, especially during the pandemic. The methodology employed is training, emphasizing technological adaptation. Observations and interviews revealed that students significantly aid in enhancing technology usage and understanding among teachers, positively impacting school learning and administration. This research highlights that student involvement helps overcome technology-related challenges faced by teachers, offering practical solutions and new experiences for both parties</p> 2023-12-19T04:50:36+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Wirda Hasanah, Elpa Nispita Sari, Arini Fatma Rahmayanti, Ida Ayu Nindya Sari, Irma Husnanti Putri, I Wayan Gunada Pelatihan Pembuatan Ecoprint oleh Mahasiswa Kampus Mengajar Angkatan 6 di SMKS Darul Falah Pagutan 2023-12-20T02:33:07+00:00 Johana Aulina Rahmatin Agustina Agustina Jumatre Jumatre <p>Ecoprint-making training by students from Kampus Mengajar 6 at Darul Falah Pagutan Vocational School to increase students' creativity and give appreciation for the results of students' work which is integrated with the Strengthening Pancasila Student Profile (P5) Project in project expo festival activities. This training was carried out through literature studies and the implementation of socialization, training, and mentoring, as well as the implementation of project expo festivals. The activity of making eco prints by 6 teaching campus students at Darul Falah Vocational School received a very good response from the school community. This indicates that this activity is very good to follow up on because it can increase students' motivation in honing their creativity and students also feel appreciated for the work they have created</p> 2023-12-19T12:29:17+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Johana Aulina Rahmatin Peran Mahasiswa Asistensi Mengajar dalam Mewujudkan Sekolah Sehat (Apotek Hidup) 2023-12-20T02:32:47+00:00 Lisa Ulandari Shofia Arifatul Ulya <p>The increase in morbidity and mortality rates from various diseases demands the need for efforts to improve public health, especially for students who have to do a lot of activities. Schools are one part of the community structure that requires attention to health aspects. Health problems that often occur in the school environment are the reason for the need to provide health measures such as medicines in the school environment. For this reason, Teaching Assistance students describe healthy schools by planting medicinal plants or what is known as the Living Pharmacy. Teaching Assistance is a program that provides students with the opportunity for 3.5 months to accompany teachers and school principals in carrying out learning activities. This activity aims to empower junior high school students to plant living pharmacies in their school environment as an effort to maintain environmental sustainability, especially the school environment. The activity methods include; providing land, preparing tools and materials, clearing land, planting various types of plants and caring for these plants. The result of this activity is the availability of a living pharmacy in the school environment consisting of various types of plants. The number of plant types found in the school's living pharmacy is 5 types of plants. Each plant has a marker containing the name of each plant to make it easier to recognize the type of plant</p> 2023-12-19T13:27:24+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Lisa ulandari Sosialisasi Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning dengan Metode Team Games Tournament Kepada Guru Kelas SD Negeri 19 Ampenan 2023-12-27T02:46:30+00:00 Baiq Hidayatul Azizah Fitra Rizki Ramdhani Khulaeni Hidayatul Hidayah Muhammad Tabroni Wais Al Qorni <p>The increasing age of education, especially in Indonesia, does not rule out the possibility of poor learning outcomes. Learning outcomes are one of the important aspects during the learning process. With a learning outcome we can see whether the learner's goals have been achieved or not. To achieve a result, in the teaching and learning process it is recommended to choose an appropriate learning method so that it can be implemented in the class or material that will be taught. To achieve this goal, one method that is suitable and can be used is the problem based learning (PBL) learning model with teams games tournament (TGT). The implementation method used is the first stage is socialization, the second stage is implementing the PBL model with TGT and the third stage is carrying out discussions with the class teacher. The results of the implementation of the PBL model with TGT are that the individual scores and average scores of students are getting better so that the use of the PBL learning model with TGT has an effect on improving student learning outcomes.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p>Semakin meningkatnya usia pendidikan khususnya di Indonesia tidak menutup kemungkinan adanya hasil belajar yang kurang baik. Hasil belajar ialah salah satu aspek yang penting selama proses belajar. Dengan adanya suatu hasil belajar kita dapat melihat apakah tujuan pembelajar sudah tercapai atau belum. Tercapainya suatu hasil, dalam proses belajar mengajar disarankan memilih metode pembelajaran yang sesuai agar dapat diimplementasikan dalam kelas atau meteri yang akan diajarkan. Untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran tersebut, salah satu metode yang sesuai dan dapat digunakan adalah model pembelajaran <em>problem based learning</em> (PBL) dengan <em>teams games tournament</em> (TGT). Metode pelaksanaan yang digunakan yakni tahap pertama ialah soisalisasi mengenai model pembelajaran yang akan digunakan, tahap kedua ialah implementasi model PBL dengan TGT dan tahap ketiga ialah melaksanakan diskusi dengan guru kelas. Hasil pelaksanaan dari digunkannya model PBL dengan TGT ini ialah nilai inividu dan nilai rata-rata peserta didik menjadi semakin baik sehingga penggunaan model pembelajaran PBL dengan TGT berpengaruh terhadap meningkatnya hasil belajar peserta didik.</p> 2023-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Baiq Hidayatul Azizah Implementasi Game Math Puzzle sebagai Media Pembelajaran Numerasi Siswa SDN 02 Badrain 2023-12-27T02:46:17+00:00 Rina Nurhadiani Siti Alifa Rihadatul Aisy Satira Satira Saskia Katrunada Siti Humaela Rizka Alfiana Chandra Dewi Silvia Dwi Astuti <p>School with relatively low literacy and numeracy skills are an indicator of where campus teaching programs are held. Therefore, students from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education at the University of Mataram who were registered as campus teaching participants for grade 6th placement at SDN 02 Badrain created the "Math Puzzle Game" program. The aim of this program is to improve students' numeracy skills through the application of math puzzle games which are expected to be a fun learning medium as well as improving problem solving skills, sharpening logical skills, strengthening number understanding abilities, and encouraging teamwork. The target of this program is students in grades 4, 5, and 6. The method for implementing the "math puzzle game" program uses several stages, namely preparation, implementation, and evaluation or improvement. The results of applying the math puzzle game are that students have the ability to think quickly and critically when solving puzzles, students understand basic mathematical concepts, and students succeed in applying their understanding of the relationship between numbers and solving mathematical problems correctly. It is hoped that this service can be continued and carried out more optimally in the future learning process. Seeing the aim of service through this program is very important as an effort to improve students' numeracy skills.</p> 2023-12-26T15:13:31+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rina Nurhadiani, Siti Alifa, Rihadatul Aisy, Satira Satira, Saskia Katrunada, Siti Humaela Rizka, Alfiana Chandra Dewi, Silvia Dwi Astuti Sosialisasi Pembuatan Rekening Online melalui BSI Mobile dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Melakukan Transaksi Online Mahasiswa Baru UIN Mataram 2023-12-29T02:47:25+00:00 Lalu Jedi Muawari Karmelia Sasmita Ningtias Riska Sudianti Prameswari Cuzenti Adinda Selva Selva <p>Bank adalah lembaga keuangan yang berfungsi sebagai perantara dalam kegiatan keuangan dan memiliki fungsi utama yaitu menghimpun dana dari masyarakat dan menyediakan layanan keuangan seperti pemberian kredit, penyimpanan uang, serta berbagai layanan keuangan lainnya. Lembaga Keuangan Bank yang ada di Indonesia dibedakan menjadi dua, yaitu Bank Konvensional dan Bank yang bersifat Syariah. bank syariah adalah bank yang menjalankan kegiatan usaha berdasarkan prinsip syariah atau prinsip hukum Islam. Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Mataram Pejanggik 1 membantu membuat buku rekening online melalui BSI mobile kepada mahasiswa baru Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram dengan tujuan meningkatkan kemampuan transaksi online, memberikan pengalaman perbankan yang lebih modern, dan menjawab tuntutan konsumen akan layanan keuangan yang inovatif&nbsp;dan&nbsp;responsif. Metode pengabdian yang dilakukan adalah sosialisasi meningkatkan kemampuan nasabah melakukan transaksi online pada mahasiswa baru Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram (UIN). Hasil yang didapatkan dari pengabdian berupa sosialisasi ini yaitu pembuatan rekening online melalui BSI Mobile di kampus Pascasarjana Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram menunjukkan tingkat antusiasme yang tinggi dari mahasiswa/i yang turut serta.</p> 2023-12-29T01:20:14+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Lalu Jedi Muawari, Karmelia Sasmita Ningtias, Riska Sudianti, Prameswari Cuzenti Adinda, Selva Selva Gerakan Menanam Mangrove Bersama SMPN 3 Mataram Di Sungai Mujang Ampenan Tengah 2024-05-04T05:46:36+00:00 Mulya Lestari Baiq Julia Setyaningrum Fahmi Firdaus Ni Kadek Nirmala Wilwatikta Nani Kurniati Fitria Haryani <p>Sungai Muara Jangkok atau biasa disebut Sungai Mujang adalah sungai yang bermuara di Pantai Ampenan. Berdasarkan analisis permasalahan yang terjadi di pesisir Pantai Ampenan, menanam pohon mangrove merupakan solusi yang tepat untuk diterapkan di kawasan ini. Selain sebagai upaya pelestarian lingkungan, kegiatan ini juga bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran siswa dan masyarakat sekitar untuk menjaga dan melestarikan lingkungannya melalui partisipasinya dalam kegiatan penanaman pohon mangrove. Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan di Sungai Muara Jangkok, sebuah lokasi strategis yang memiliki dampak langsung pada kondisi Pantai Ampenan. Subjek pengabdian mencakup siswa SMPN 3 Mataram dan masyarakat sekitar Sungai Muara Jangkok. Metode kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang digunakan adalah metode penyuluhan dan metode demontrasi. Desain pelaksanaan eksperimen lapangan mencakup empat tahap utama: persiapan dan edukasi, pengumpulan dan persiapan bibit mangrove, pelaksanaan penanaman mangrove, serta pemeliharaan dan monitoring. Hasil kegiatan mencakup mitigasi bencana abrasi, peningkatan kesadaran lingkungan, dan penguatan kerjasama antarwarga dalam menjaga ekosistem Sungai Muara Jangkok. Penanaman mangrove sebagai mitigasi bencana abrasi sangat bermanfaat baik bagi siswa, para pihak yang terlibat maupun bagi alam di masa depan.</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci: </strong>Sungai Muara Jangkok; Pantai Ampenan; Pohon Mangrove</p> 2023-12-30T09:39:31+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Mulya Lestari; Baiq Julia Setyaningrum; Fahmi Firdaus, Ni Kadek Nirmala Wilwatikta Penerapan Adaptasi Teknologi bagi Guru SD Negeri 4 Labuan Tereng untuk Menunjang Proses Pembelajaran 2024-01-01T02:51:35+00:00 Baitinniza Baitinniza Sahratul Layali Munaenah Apriliani Nurul Hafazah Hisa Dewi Putri Rabiulandari Delasita <p>This research was motivated by the lack of existence and utilization of school infrastructure as well as the lack of motivation, creativity and understanding of teachers in utilizing technology. The purpose of this study is to be able to plan, create and apply a form of technology adaptation tailored to the subjects and school curriculum in the classroom. The research method used is the action research method approach which has the core concept of Kurt Lewin includes 4 components, namely planning, action, observation and reflection. For research planning, it is arranged into 4 stages, namely research preparation, cycle I, cycle II, cycle III.&nbsp; The techniques used by researchers are interviews, observation, and documentation. Based on the results of the questionnaire that has been disseminated, the percentage of educators who can access technology is 87% more than those who cannot access technology as much as 13%. Thus, it is ensured that educators are ready to apply technological adaptation to the classes they attend. The research subjects as data sources in this study are educators or teachers of SDN 4 Labuan Tereng and SMPN Satuatap 1 Lembar consisting of 4 men and 4 women.</p> 2023-12-31T22:58:45+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Baitinniza Baitinniza, Sahratul Layali, Munaenah Apriliani, Nurul Hafazah, Hisa Dewi Putri, Rabiulandari Delasita Optimalisasi Keterampilan Literasi Siswa SMP NW Mataram Melalui Program Klinik Literasi 2024-01-03T02:52:20+00:00 Parni Hidayati Magdalena Magdalena St. Nur Aisyah Fatiha Putri Aura Diva Iklima Rosyihan Anwar Ketut Sri Kusuma Wardani <p>The Literacy Clinic is a program to improve students' literacy skills, with a focus on guiding and teaching students who are deficient in reading, writing, and others. This service aims to optimize the literacy skills of class VIII students at SMP NW Mataram through the implementation of a literacy clinic program. The method for implementing the literacy clinic program uses three stages: observation, implementation and evaluation. Data was collected through observation, interviews, Pre-Test and Post-Test. The results of the service are that there are still students who are not fluent in reading which was discovered through interviews and observations. This is also proven by the Pre-Test results which show the percentage of students answering correctly 18%. Therefore, the author designed and implemented a Literacy Clinic program that could improve students' literacy skills. After carrying out the Literacy Clinic, the students then answered the Post-Test questions with the percentage of students answering correctly 49%. Based on this description, it can be concluded that the existence of a literacy clinic program can optimize the Literacy Skills of SMP NW Mataram Students</p> 2024-01-02T10:41:52+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Parni Hidayati, Magdalena Magdalena, St. Nur Aisyah, Fatiha Putri Aura Diva, Iklima Rosyihan Anwar, Ketut Sri Kusuma Wardani Peningkatan Karakter Siswa Melalui Pementasan Drama di SDN 4 Mataram Oleh Kampus Mengajar Angkatan 6 2024-01-06T02:55:09+00:00 Santi Nur Anisa Laela Hidayati Putri <p>Drama adalah genre karya sastra yang menggambarkan kehidupan manusia dengan gerak. Dalam hal membentuk karakter siswa pemerintah mengadakan program kampus mengajar yang merupakan salah satu program dari kurikulum merdeka belajar kampus merdeka. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilaksanakan di SDN 4 Mataram. Sumber data pada kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah berdasarkan hasil observasi terhadap tingkah laku siswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah metode kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis fenomena, peristiwa, aktivitas sosial, sikap kepercayaan, persepsi, pemikiran orang secara individual maupun kelompok. Metode kualitatif yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif untuk mendeskripsikan&nbsp; data yang diperoleh dari hasil observasi. langkah-langkah dalam memperoleh data yang&nbsp; yang dilakukan penulis yaitu ketika sampai ke SDN 4 Mataram ialah berkoordinasi dengan guru pamong. Kemudian, mengobservasi proses latihan kelas drama yang dilakukan oleh siswa. Lalu, melakukan observasi dengan mengamati tingkah laku para siswa SDN 4 Mataram yang mengikuti kelas drama. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data disimpulkan bahwa kelas drama dapat membentuk karakter siswa seperti, kepercayaan diri, kerja sama, tanggung&nbsp; jawab,&nbsp; disiplin, dan saling menghargai.</p> 2024-01-05T03:53:28+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Santi Nur Anisa Nur Anisa Peningkatan Kemampuan IT Guru PAUD Sekolah Penggerak Angkatan 2 Kabupaten Polewali Mandar 2024-06-08T06:40:57+00:00 Nurhidayah Nurhidayah Sartika Arifin Aprisal Aprisal <p>A professional teacher must be able to innovate or develop creativity in learning through the use of technology. The aim of this community service activity is to improve IT skills for PAUD teacher at the Batch 2 driving school in Polewali Mandar district, West Sulawesi. Participants in this community service activity were PAUD teachers from 3 PGRI Kindergarten schools in Polman Regency, namely PGRI Polewali Kindergarten, PGRI Katumbangan Kindergarten, PGRI Al Kautsar Parappe Kindergarten. The method are divided into three stages, namely the preparation stage, implementation stage and evaluation stage. The main material for community service activities is training in operating Microsoft Word dan MS Excel Overall, this community service activity went well and smoothly. This was shown by the enthusiasm of the participants in following the activity until the end, the many questions asked by the participants at the end of the activity and even bringing their own laptops from home and the participants were able to operate MS. Office Word and Excel work well without feeling stiff.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sartika Arifin Pelatihan Pembuatan Alat Peraga Kreatif Berbasis Lingkungan pada Pembelajaran Materi Bilangan Bagi Guru-Guru SD Gugus IV Kecamatan Sekarbela 2024-06-07T06:40:26+00:00 Syahrul Azmi Harry Soepriyanto Arjudin Arjudin Nourma Pramestie Wulandari Nilza Humaira Salsabila <p>Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini berupa pelatihan pembuatan alat peraga matematika kreatif dengan menggunakan bahan lingkungan sekitar bagi guru-guru SD Gugus IV Kecamatan Sekarbela. Kegiatan ini perlu dilakukan mengingat banyak para guru yang kesulitan membuat dan menggunakan alat peraga yang sesuai dalam pembelajaran matematika. Tujuan pelaksanaan kegiatan ini adalah a) mendeskripsikan pengetahuan para guru tentang alat peraga serta penggunaannya, b) memberikan gambaran tentang bermacam-macam bahan yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat alat peraga dalam pembelajaran materi bilangan, c) memberikan pelatihan tentang cara pembuatan dan penggunaan alat peraga dengan memanfaatkan lingkungan sekitar yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran materi bilangan bulat, dan (d) untuk mengetahui respon para guru terhadap kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan. Metode yang digunakan adalah berupa ceramah, demonstrasi, pemberian tes (pretest dan postest),&nbsp; dan pemberian angket. Dari hasil kegiatan, didapatkan data tentang nilai rata-rata hasil pretest dan posttest berturut-turut yaitu 67,3 dan 81,0. Terjadi peningkatan nilai rata-rata hasil test sebesar 13,7 Sedangkan data tentang respon peserta pengabdian adalah semua peserta pengabdian merasakan manfaat setelah mengikuti kegiatan pengabdian, para peserta mendapatkan tambahan pengetahuan dan keterampilan tentang cara membuat dan menggunakan alat peraga dalam pembelajaran matematika. Hasil yang diperoleh para peserta diharapkan dapat diterapkan dan disebarluaskan pada teman-teman sejawatnya dalam rangka menunjang profesionalisme dan meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran matematika.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Syahrul Azmi, Harry Soepriyanto, Arjudin Arjudin, Nourma Pramestie Wulandari, Nilza Humaira Salsabila Optimalisasi Gerakan Literasi SDN 2 Kekeri Melalui Pembuatan Pojok Baca 2024-06-01T06:30:41+00:00 Tia Ilda Annisa <p>Literasi merupakan salah satu keterampilan kunci untuk masa depan karena kemampuan literasi yang baik membantu seseorang untuk memahami, menganalisis, dan menggunakan informasi secara efektif. Gerakan literasi sekolah (GLS) ini wajib digalakkan karena minat membaca dan menulis masyarakat Indonesia masih tergolong minim. Pojok Baca yang merupakan salah satu program literasi yang dibuat oleh Mahasiswa Asistensi Mengajar angakatan 2 yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan gerakan literasi membaca di SDN 2 Kekeri . Metode yang digunakan dalam pengbdian ini melalui tahapan (1) Perencanaan; (2) Pelaksanaan; (3) Evaluasi Kegiatan. Dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan menghasilkan 3 pojok baca dikelas tinggi dan rendah. Di pojok baca terdapat beberapa buku bacaan yang disediakan, hiasan dinding yang menarik, disediakan juga tempat duduk minimalis , rak buku yang dapat dipindahkan sesuai kondisi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan pojok baca dalam meningkatkan minat baca di SDN 2 Kekeri, dimanfaatkan ketika melakukan kegiatan gerakan literasi sekolah, dan sebagai bahan diskusi atau bahan pencarian dan mengisi waktu kekosongan siswa.</p> 2024-05-31T14:14:50+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 TIA ILDA ANNISA tia