Rengganis Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
<p align="justify"><img src="/public/site/images/denyadmin/rengganis_logo.png" width="85" height="85"><strong>Rengganis Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat</strong> merupakan jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Mataram memuat artikel-artikel ilmiah mengenai berbagai aktivitas pengabdian dan pemberdayaan masyarakat dari berbagai disiplin ilmu diantaranya kependidikan, matematika dan sains, sosial, pertanian dan peternakan, bahasa, bisnis dan ekonomi, teknik dan kejuruan, serta kesenian.</p> <p align="justify">Frekuesi terbitan sebanyak 2 kali, yakni <strong>Mei</strong> dan <strong>November<br><br></strong>p-issn: 2797-1708<br>e-issn: 2797-1694<br>Akreditasi <a href="">Sinta-4</a></p>Pendidikan Matematika, FKIP Universitas Mataramen-USRengganis Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat2797-1708Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru dalam Memanfaatkan Geogebra Sebagai Media Pembelajaran
<p>Hasil wawancara yang dilakukan dengan guru-guru matematika SMP di Kota Mataram menununjukan bahwa guru memerlukan media pembelajaran untuk membantu visualisasi objek-objek dalam materi pelajaran seperti garis-garis yang berpotongan dan perpotongan garis dengan sumbu koordinat. Geogebra dalam hal ini dapat digunakan untuk memvisualisasikan objek-objek tersebut dengan baik. Untuk membantu meningkatkan kompetensi guru dalam menggunakan Geogebra, dilakukan kegiatan pelatihan bagi 40 guru matematika SMP di Kota Mataram. Kegiatan dilakukan dalam bentu pemaparan materi, demonstrasi, praktek terbimbing dan praktek mandiri. Hasil praktek mandiri menunjukan seluruh peserta mampu membuat <em>applet</em> Geogebra sederhana terkait materi yang diajarkan guru yang bersangkutan di kelas. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa seluruh peserta mendapatkan tambahan pengetahuan maupun keterampilan tentang pembuatan <em>applet</em> Geogebra. </p>AmrullahNani Kurniati Ni Made Intan KertiyaniWahidaturrahmi
Copyright (c) 2024 Amrullah, Nani Kurniati, Ni Made Intan Kertiyani dan Wahidaturrahmi
2024-11-292024-11-294221321910.29303/rengganis.v4i2.453Program konseling melalui website pada siswa korban perundungan dengan metode cognitive behavior therapy di SMA Negeri 4 Mataram
<p>The intensity of bullying in Indonesia is increasing as time goes by. Especially in the digital era with very rapid technological developments causing an increase in criminal acts and cyberbullying. Now bullying can not only occur directly in the school environment but can also occur through social media. Bullying behavior often occurs at school. This becomes a detrimental problem for the victim because they are affected by bullying. So school leaders are trying hard to overcome it. From these conditions, a concrete effort emerged to overcome bullying and help victims affected by bullying, namely by providing a forum for therapeutic counseling and reporting regarding bullying in web form using the Cognitive Behavior Therapy (e-CBT) method which is easily accessible to students and victims of bullying. In the hope of helping victims affected by bullying. Through this website, they gain exposure to knowledge regarding the meaning and legal articles that can be used to catch perpetrators of bullying as well as the types of bullying and how to deal with it. Apart from that, therapy containers are also provided in the form of filling in for reporting bullying experienced.</p>ChoirunnisaI Gusti Ayu Maesya AndiniRistania Tri WidiartiI Putu Ananta SugiarthaAhmad Bawazir JazuliNourma Pramestie Wulandari
Copyright (c) 2024 Choirunnisa, I Gusti Ayu Maesya Andini, Ristania Tri Widiarti, I Putu Ananta Sugiartha, Ahmad Bawazir Jazuli, Nourma Pramestie Wulandari
2024-11-292024-11-294222022810.29303/rengganis.v4i2.482Strategi Pengembangan UMKM Desa Kragilan menuju Wirausahawan Desa yang Berbasis Digitalisasi dalam Program KKN-MAS
<p>This devotion explores how entrepreneurs can develop their businesses within the realm of the Muhammadiyah Aisyiyah Community Service Programme (KKN-MAs). The Muhammadiyah Aisyiyah Community Service Programme (KKN-MAs) is an important breakthrough in the context of helping to solve problems faced by a village or community environment, which emphasises the empowerment of rural communities, social care, and multiplying learning experiences and expanding relationships. In addition, the purpose of the KKN-MAs programme is to train students before entering the workforce, and also to provide a platform for students to explore the implementation of their knowledge for approximately six semesters. This research used a mixed-methods approach, involving document analysis, interviews, and case studies to investigate the strategies used by entrepreneurs to grow their businesses, which were concretely applied in the context of MSME digitalisation in the KKN-MAs programme. The findings of this community service identified challenges and potential improvements in developing MSMEs, particularly in Kragilan Village. The results of this study contribute to MSME entrepreneurs' understanding of digitalisation</p>Andi Mufti Mubarak AsmarAndi BonewatiAndi Trisnowali MSSartika ArifinMuhammad Zainal Arifin
Copyright (c) 2024 anditrisno
2024-11-292024-11-294222923810.29303/rengganis.v4i2.486Lesson Study Penerapan Math City Map dalam Pembelajaran Matematika
<p>The low quality of mathematics learning that has an impact on the lack of improvement in students' mathematics abilities is the main reason for implementing the lesson study community service activity of applying math city maps in mathematics learning. Due to this reason, the activity was carried out using a procedure that includes the stages of planning, implementation, and evaluation. The success of the community service activity was analyzed using a questionnaire on the success and satisfaction of partners distributed to 13 mathematics teachers at Majene regency. The results of the activity showed a positive influence of the activity on teachers where the average evaluation aspect reached a percentage of 88.3%. From the results of the implementation of the activity, it was also concluded that teachers were interested in implementing lesson study as an initial step in improving the quality of students' mathematics learning</p>Nursyam AnagunaSartika ArifinAprisalYusfa LestariAmran YahyaMurtafiahNursafitri AminKetrin R. ManulangAdinang
Copyright (c) 2024 Nursyam Anaguna -
2024-11-292024-11-294223924910.29303/rengganis.v4i2.490Pendampingan Pekerjaan Rehab Masjid Nurul Huda Dusun Mentokan Desa Darek, Kabupaten Lombok Tengah
<p style="font-weight: 400;">Masjid merupakan bangunan tempat beribadah bagi umat Islam. Hampir setiap Dusun di Pulau Lombok khusunya, memiliki Masjidnya masing-masing dan salah satunya adalah Dusun Mentokan. Dusun ini berada di Desa Darek Kecamatan Praya Barat Daya, Kabupaten Lombok Tengah. Didasari oleh peningkatan jumlah penduduk dan umur bangunan yang sudah cukup tua, maka masyarakat setempat bersepakat untuk melakukan kegiatan rehab pada Masjid Nurul Huda. Namun, hal tersebut menjadi suatu kegiatan yang cukup berat bagi masyarakat karena didasarkan kepada: keterbatasan anggaran, pengoptimalan pemanfaatan dana dan SDM masyarakat yang notabene sebagian besar adalah petani dan buruh harian lepas. Sebagai tenaga pengajar dalam bidang Teknik Sipil dan aktif dalam bidang pembangunan, serta sebagai bentuk pengabdian keilmuan kepada masyarakat, maka dilakukan pendampingan dalam kegiatan rehab Masjid Nurul Huda Dusun Mentokan. Dengan dimulai dari kegiatan: pengukuran; <em>brainstorming </em>dengan masyarakat; rembuk dan pendampingan pembuatan DED; dan pendampingan pelaksanaan pembangunan, maka rehab terhadap Masjid Nurul Huda Dusun telah diselesaikan dengan pengelolaan dana yang baik, tepat mutu dan guna.</p>Muhammad Khalis IlmiHafiz HamdaniAdryan FitrayudhaAhmad ZarkasiSwahip SwahipNurul HidayatiAri Ramadhan HidayatRinggi Puteri SamengasbumiAdiman FariyadinAji Syailendra UbaidillahSukuryadi SukuryadiMukhtar ToyyibMuhammad Basir
Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Khalis Ilmi, Hafiz Hamdani, Adryan Fitrayudha, Ahmad Zarkasi, Swahip Swahip, Nurul Hidayati, Ari Ramadhan Hidayat, Ringgi Puteri Samengasbumi, Adiman Fariyadin, Aji Syailendra Ubaidillah, Sukuryadi Sukuryadi, Mukhtar Toyyib, Muhammad Basir
2024-11-302024-11-304225025810.29303/rengganis.v4i2.488Sosialisasi Aplikasi SIPEKERJA untuk Mempermudah Proses Survei Kerusakan Jalan
<p>Aplikasi mobile berbasis Android bernama “SIstem PEndataan KERusakan Jalan” (SIPEKERJA) hadir sebagai solusi inovatif untuk mengatasi masalah dalam proses pendataan kerusakan jalan. SIPEKERJA memanfaatkan teknologi mobile untuk mengumpulkan data kerusakan jalan secara real-time, akurat, dan terintegrasi. Kegiatan Sosialisasi sistem pendataan kerusakan jalan ini dihadiri oleh perwakilan dari pekerjaan umum dan perumahan rakyat bidang bina marga kota mataram dan kabupaten lombok barat, praktisi dari PT. MIKRO dan DPD INKINDO NTB, akademisi dari universitas muhammadiyah mataram, universitas mataram, dan universitas pendidikan mandalika, kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di aula lantai 3 rektorat universitas muhammadiyah mataram pada kamis 15 agustus 2024, waktu pelaksanaan dari pukul 09.30 Wita – Selesai. Sosialisasi ini dilakukan agar pihak-pihak terkait dapat mengoperasikan aplikasi dengan baik. Sosialisasi ini mendapatkan apresiasi yang sangat baik dari pihak universitas muhammadiyah mataram dan juga dari pihak-pihak yang ikut serta dalam Sosialisasi penggunaan sistem pendataan kerusakan jalan sangat antusias sekali dalam proses Sosialisasi, ini membuktikan bahwa Sosialisasi ini sangat diperlukan untuk proses pendataan kerusakan jalan.</p>Khendy Marsa Duta PratamaTitik WahyuningsihAnwar EfendyIdham
Copyright (c) 2024 Khendy Marsa Duta Pratama, Titik Wahyuningsih, Anwar Efendy, Idham
2024-11-302024-11-304225926510.29303/rengganis.v4i2.480Seminar Introduction AI: Membangun Kesiapan Guru Menghadapi Pembaharuan Teknologi Pendidikan di SDN 15 Cakranegara
<p>Perkembangan teknologi yang pesat di era digital ini secara signifikan mempengaruhi berbagai aspek kehidupan, termasuk di bidang pendidikan. Integrasi teknologi dalam pendidikan meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran dan mempersiapkan generasi muda menghadapi tantangan teknologi masa depan. Namun, banyak guru, terutama di tingkat sekolah dasar, belum siap menghadapi perubahan ini karena kurangnya pelatihan dan pemahaman tentang teknologi pendidikan modern. Proyek pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mengatasi kesenjangan tersebut dengan mengadakan seminar "<em>Introduction</em> <em>AI</em>: Membangun Kesiapan Guru Menghadapi Pembaharuan Teknologi Pendidikan" di SDN 15 Cakranegara pada tanggal 25 Mei 2024. Seminar ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan kesiapan guru dalam mengintegrasikan teknologi AI dalam pendidikan. Hasilnya menunjukkan peningkatan pemahaman guru tentang konsep AI dan aplikasinya dalam pendidikan, dengan 90% peserta merasa lebih siap mengintegrasikan teknologi AI dalam proses pembelajaran. Tantangan yang diidentifikasi termasuk kebutuhan akan pelatihan lanjutan dan peningkatan infrastruktur teknologi di sekolah. Temuan ini menekankan pentingnya pelatihan teknologi pendidikan yang berkelanjutan dan peningkatan infrastruktur di sekolah dasar untuk memastikan integrasi AI yang efektif dan berkelanjutan, yang pada akhirnya akan meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan.</p>Didi FirmansyahAdam GyanendraPujita ZafitriPutri SuryaTazkia NadidAnnisa Syufa AuliyaLulu Lutfianti
Copyright (c) 2024 Didi Firmansyah
2024-11-302024-11-304226627410.29303/rengganis.v4i2.446Penyuluhan Pemanfaatan Kayu Sebagai Konstruksi Rumah Hunian Di Desa Sama Guna, Kecamatan Tanjung, Kabupaten Lombok Utara
<p>Sama Guna Village is one of the villages in Tanjung District, North Lombok Regency which is the location of service by the Civil Engineering Study Program Service Team of Muhammadiyah Mataram University related to counseling on the use of wood as a residential house. The location of Sama Guna Village which is still beautiful and has a lot of green land makes this suburban a village that is considered appropriate and in accordance with the theme of the counseling to be carried out. The purpose of this service is to provide and share knowledge with the local community related to the introduction of good wood characteristics and can be used as a material for building residential houses for the community so that houses built from wood can become durable, strong, and long-lasting residential houses. The method used was presentation and discussion with the local community which took place on Saturday, June 15, 2024 starting at 10:00 - 12:30 WITA at the meeting room in Sama Guna Village. This activity ran smoothly and orderly, during the implementation of the activity the participants were very enthusiastic about participating in the activity, this was seen from the enthusiastic questions and answers that occurred with a total of 20 participants.</p>Nurul HidayatiJoni Safaat AdiansyahTitik WahyuningsihAri Ramdhan HidayatMuhammad Khalis IlmiErni YustissianiAdi SaputraM. Ali FikriRingka Ninis Amandari
Copyright (c) 2024 Nurul Hidayati
2024-11-302024-11-304227528210.29303/rengganis.v4i2.449Pelatihan Pembuatan Modul Ajar Berbasis Project Based Learning (PjBL) bagi Guru SMPIT Anak Soleh Mataram
<p>Training on making teaching modules based on Project Based Learning (PjBL) is an effort to improve teacher competence in compiling innovative learning tools that are relevant to the needs of 21st century students. This study aims to evaluate the implementation of the training at SMPIT Anak Soleh Mataram. The research method used is qualitative with a descriptive approach, involving 15 teachers as participants. Data collection was carried out through questionnaires and interviews to measure the level of participant satisfaction and the effectiveness of the training. The results showed that this training received a very positive response from the participants. Based on the questionnaire, the majority of teachers expressed high satisfaction with the quality of the material, delivery methods, and facilitator performance. In addition, all participants succeeded in compiling teaching modules based on PjBL well after participating in the training. In-depth interviews revealed that the training helped teachers understand the principles and steps of implementing PjBL, although some participants identified challenges in implementing the modules in the classroom, such as time management and student involvement. Overall, this training was effective in improving teacher competence in compiling teaching modules based on PjBL. This study recommends further training and implementation assistance to ensure the sustainability of its impact in the learning environment.</p>Januari Rizki Pratama RusmanHasanudin ChaerMarlinda RamdhaniWika Wahyuni
Copyright (c) 2024 Januari Rizki Pratama Rusman
2024-11-302024-11-304228329310.29303/rengganis.v4i2.492Pengelolaan Limbah Rumah Tangga Menjadi Lilin Aromaterapi dari Minyak Jelantah di SDN 41 Ampenan
<p>Household waste, especially used cooking oil, has a negative impact on the environment and health if not managed properly. Used cooking oil is often disposed of carelessly, causing soil, water, and air pollution. To overcome this problem, a program is implemented with the aim of reducing used cooking oil waste and creating student awareness about waste management. This program utilizes used cooking oil into aromatherapy candles that are useful and have a selling value. The socialization and practice of making aromatherapy candles was carried out by students in grades 4 and 5 of SDN 41 Ampenan, accompanied by Teaching Assistance Students. This activity involves group division, material collection, and the process of making candles from used cooking oil with additional natural aromas such as pandan leaves, oranges, jasmine tea, coffee, and lemongrass. The practice of making aromatherapy candles takes place from May 22 to May 29, 2024. The results of this activity show that aromatherapy candles made have health benefits and can reduce B3 waste in households. Students also gain knowledge about the negative effects of used cooking oil if used continuously and the importance of recycling. This practice has succeeded in improving students' skills and creativity in managing waste and providing potential entrepreneurial ideas. So, this activity not only succeeded in reducing used cooking oil waste but also increased students' awareness of the importance of preserving the environment from an early age.</p>Asri FauziElza Maulia SopaniErsa Anugraheni PutriNurul Raodatul AisyNurul SaudahPathiah
Copyright (c) 2024 Ersa Pujianto
2024-11-302024-11-304229430010.29303/rengganis.v4i2.466Pemanfaatan Lahan Pembuangan Sampah menjadi Apotek Hidup di SD Negeri 34 Mataram
<p>Waste is one of the problems faced by every city, not only in Indonesia but also becoming a global problem. One reason is that the behavior of primary to secondary school students is also involved in contributing large amounts of garbage and decreasing the quality of the environment, especially in the school environment or other educational institutions. Such a clean and healthy lifestyle should also be implemented in the school environment. SD State 34 Mataram is one of the schools that needs to infuse insights about environmental health. One of the efforts that can be done in SD State 34 Mataram is by carrying out activities of cleaning and administration of the school environment as well as as as a living pharmacy land. In the process of implementation of this activity started with the permits on the part of the school, discussion of schedules, gotong royong land cleaning, creation of gapura, land renovation, planting and ended with evaluation activities. The result of this activity is the awareness of students about the importance of healthy living behavior especially in the school environment. With the help of this living pharmacy, students can also gain insights related to medicinal plants and their properties.</p>Muhammad Abi RizkyM. Riki ZikrullahM. Syidqi JohanNikmat RahmatullahI Dewa Gede KawianjanaZulhijriIzza PratamaNaufal Daffa Al AminNisrina Maitsalana
Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Abi Rizky
2024-11-302024-11-304230130810.29303/rengganis.v4i2.468Pengenalan Pembelajaran Berbasis Game Edukatif untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Numerasi di SDN 39 Mataram
<p><em>Characteristics of Indonesian students tend to easily get bored when learning with monotonous methods such as lecturing, especially in mathematics education. Students tend to comprehend learning materials more easily through interactive media combined with educational games. Implementing mathematics learning through educational games makes students happier and less prone to boredom, thereby motivating them to study more diligently. This Community Service project aims to determine the effectiveness of educational game-based learning on elementary school students' numeracy abilities. The project employs a quantitative descriptive research method with a sample of 12 elementary school students. Data collection involved pre-tests and post-tests comprising a total of 20 mathematics numeracy questions. Data analysis was conducted using Excel and SPSS software. The results indicate that educational game-based learning is effective in enhancing elementary school students' numeracy abilities, with an average effectiveness score of 38%, categorized as moderate.</em></p>Dewi Wulan LestariHeni KhaerunnisaYayu Fitriyatul Fu’adahLaylatul HisdaLL.Gede Damar Wulan
Copyright (c) 2024 Dewi Wulan Lestari, Heni Khaerunnisa, Yayu Fitriyatul Fu’adah, Laylatul Hisda, LL.Gede Damar Wulan
2024-11-302024-11-304230931710.29303/rengganis.v4i2.471Implementasi Media Pembelajaran Ular Tangga Numerasi dalam Program Kampus Mengajar 7 di SDN 35 Ampenan
<p>Kampus Mengajar was one of MBKM's programs established to help improve learning in schools. The targets of the Kampus Mengajar program were schools located in 3T areas or schools with poor numeracy and literacy levels. One of the schools targeted by Kampus Mengajar and used as a place of service was SDN 35 Ampenan. SDN 35 Ampenan was one of the schools in the Sekarbela sub-district, Mataram City, which, in terms of the level of students' numeracy and literacy, was below standard. The way to improve numeracy and literacy in schools was to use fun learning media. Educational material in the form of a snakes and ladders game was one of the approaches used. This game was conducted to improve students' knowledge in numeracy and literacy, teach students cohesiveness in teamwork, and reinforce students' memory of previously taught lessons. The work program of this learning media using the Snakes and Ladders game can enhance understanding and student engagement in the learning process. It makes students more enthusiastic about participating in lessons and helps prevent boredom with the classroom environment. Based on the results of this work program, students have been able to solve problems that exist in the school.</p>Ririn MawarniInayah AnugrahTik Kun AnjaniZabina RenataHilalatus SorayyaNourma Pramestie Wulandari
Copyright (c) 2024 Ririn Mawarni, Inayah Anugrah, Tik Kun Anjani, Zabina Renata, Hilalatus Sorayya, Nourma Pramestie Wulandari
2024-11-302024-11-304231832410.29303/rengganis.v4i2.484Industri Kreatif Berbasis Kearifan Lokal: Model Pemberdayaan Majelis Taklim Ponpes Baiturrahman, Madura
<p>The Ibadurrahman Majelis Taklim at Ponpes Baiturrahman, located in Jaddih Village, Socah District, Bangkalan-Madura, holds significant potential for developing creative industries based on local wisdom. However, the lack of structured mapping and empowerment strategies poses a major challenge to achieving economic independence and prosperity for the taklim congregation. This study employs the <em>Asset-Based Community Development</em> (ABCD) approach, a method of empowerment focusing on identifying, developing, and utilizing the assets or potential of the community. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with village officials, religious leaders (Ponpes Baiturrahman) and members of the taklim majelis to inventory the available assets. The mentoring results received positive feedback and demonstrated an improvement in the ability to map and identify both individual and community assets that could be effectively utilized to manage local potentials, such as craft skills, cultural wisdom and community networks. The empowerment strategies designed included skills training, creative product development and digital-based marketing. In conclusion, the ABCD approach successfully provides a strong foundation for developing creative industries based on local wisdom in this community, although further mentoring with a broader scope is recommended for more optimal outcomes</p>Dwi SusantoLailatul Huda
Copyright (c) 2024 Dwi Susanto, Lailatul Huda
2024-12-012024-12-014232533610.29303/rengganis.v4i2.487Digital Storytelling Berbasis Budaya Sasak untuk Meningkatkan Literasi Peserta Didik SDN Sulin
<p>This community service activity aims to enhance teachers' skills in creating and utilizing digital storytelling with a Sasak cultural context to foster literacy interest among lower-grade students at SDN Sulin. The program was carried out in three phases: (1) Preparation, including coordination with partner schools, obtaining permissions, material development, socialization, and scheduling; (2) Implementation, covering storytelling introduction, design training, technology usage, trials, classroom implementation, Focus Group Discussions (FGD), and evaluation; (3) Final report preparation. Post-training survey results indicated an improvement in teachers’ understanding of digital storytelling and increased parental involvement in home literacy activities. Teachers successfully practiced and created digital storytelling and implemented it in classrooms, receiving positive responses from students. QR codes embedded in the storybooks enabled students to independently access learning materials, thereby expanding their learning opportunities. The outcomes also highlighted that culturally-based storytelling enhances students' literacy skills. Reading literacy tests on Sasak legend stories showed an improvement in students’ reading literacy after the introduction of digital storytelling books, with most students demonstrating good reading abilities and a solid understanding of the content</p>SafinaturrahmahWardatul UyunSiharaniFardiansyahMalida RahmawatiDwi Novitasari
Copyright (c) 2024 Safinaturrahmah, Wardatul Uyub, Siharani, Fardiansyah, Malida Rahmawati, Dwi Novitasari
2024-12-012024-12-014233734710.29303/rengganis.v4i2.495Pembuatan Cokelat Kopi Praline sebagai Inovasi Produk di Desa Pakuan, Lombok
<p>Desa Pakuan dikenal sebagai salah satu desa wisata di Lombok. Pakuan sebagai desa wisata menjadikan desa ini sebagai salah satu penopang dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi masyarakat sekitar. Selain sektor pariwisata, lokasi desa yang berbatasan langsung dengan hutan umumnya juga membuat penduduk Desa Pakuan hidup dari hasil hutan seperti kakao dan kopi. Potensi daerah wisata dan potensi bahan hasil pertanian yang ada di Desa Pakuan dapat dimanfaatkan lebih jauh melalui penyediaan produk khas daerah setempat. Kuliner saat ini menjadi bagian yang tak terpisahkan dengan lokasi wisata. Salah satu bentuk olahan kakao atau cokelat yang cukup populer di masyarakat saat ini yakni produk cokelat praline. Pengabdian ini bertujuan meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan masyarakat dalam pembuatan produk olahan berbahan baku cokelat dan kopi melalui pelatihan pembuatan produk cokelat kopi praline. Masyarakat peserta pelatihan adalah anggota dari Kelompok Sadar Wisata (Pokdarwis) Desa Pakuan. Tahapan kegiatan pelatihan terdiri dari persiapan kegiatan; pelaksanaan kegiatan pelatihan, dan terakhir evaluasi. Pengetahuan dan kemampuan yang meningkat serta keaktifan peserta menjadi tolok ukur keberhasilan kegiatan ini. Masyarakat mampu memahami materi yang diberikan dan dapat membuat secara langsung produk cokelat kopi praline.</p>Yesica Marcelina Romauli SinagaZainuri ZainuriAulia Islamiati YusufElmia Kharisma ArsyiNovia RahayuRini NofridaInes Marisya Dwi AnggrainiMade Gendis Putri PertiwiDilla AfriansyahQabul Dinanta Utama
Copyright (c) 2024 Yesica Marcelina Romauli Sinaga, Zainuri Zainuri, Aulia Islamiati Yusuf, Elmia Kharisma Arsyi, Novia Rahayu, Rini Nofrida, Ines Marisya Dwi Anggraini, Made Gendis Putri Pertiwi, Dilla Afriansyah, Qabul Dinanta Utama