Rengganis Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
<p align="justify"><img src="/public/site/images/denyadmin/rengganis_logo.png" width="85" height="85"><strong>Rengganis Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat</strong> merupakan jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Mataram memuat artikel-artikel ilmiah mengenai berbagai aktivitas pengabdian dan pemberdayaan masyarakat dari berbagai disiplin ilmu diantaranya kependidikan, matematika dan sains, sosial, pertanian dan peternakan, bahasa, bisnis dan ekonomi, teknik dan kejuruan, serta kesenian.</p> <p align="justify">Frekuesi terbitan sebanyak 2 kali, yakni <strong>Mei</strong> dan <strong>November<br><br></strong>p-issn: 2797-1708<br>e-issn: 2797-1694<br>Akreditasi <a href="">Sinta-4</a></p>Pendidikan Matematika, FKIP Universitas Mataramen-USRengganis Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat2797-1708Ular Tangga Cerdas : Inovasi Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Matematika Untuk Siswa Kelas III dan IV Sekolah Dasar Negeri 38 Ampenan
<p>Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan mengimplementasikan media pembelajaran Ular Tangga Cerdas dalam pembelajaran matematika untuk meningkatkan motivasi, partisipasi, dan kepuasan belajar siswa kelas III dan IV SDN 38 Ampenan. Metode yang digunakan meliputi identifikasi masalah melalui observasi awal, perencanaan, pembuatan media, dan pelaksanaan pembelajaran berbasis permainan. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi langsung dan dokumentasi selama proses pembelajaran, kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan media ini berhasil menarik minat siswa, meningkatkan keterlibatan aktif mereka, dan menciptakan pengalaman belajar yang lebih menyenangkan. Ular Tangga Cerdas terbukti efektif dalam mendukung pembelajaran matematika, yang sering dianggap sulit oleh siswa. Media ini direkomendasikan sebagai inovasi pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di tingkat sekolah dasar, khususnya pada mata pelajaran yang membutuhkan pendekatan kreatif.</p>Putri SantikaIsfahul JannahSerly LindayantiBaiq Kurnia Ayu LestariAndi Puji WidyastutiMariani
Copyright (c) 2025 Putri Santika, Isfahul Jannah, Serly Lindayanti, Baiq Kurnia Ayu Lestari, Andi Puji Widyastuti, Mariani
2025-02-032025-02-03511710.29303/rengganis.v5i1.505Peningkatan Kemampuan Operasi Hitung Siswa Kelas VII Melalui Program Kelas Numerasi SMPN 16 Mataram
<p>Numeracy skills are fundamental abilities that every student must possess to understand mathematical concepts. Indonesia ranks 74th out of 79 countries in terms of numeracy proficiency, indicating the low ability of students to comprehend basic mathematical concepts and solve numeracy-based problems. According to the 2024 National Assessment results, the majority of students in this region fall into the low category for numeracy literacy. This is further supported by data from SMPN 16 Mataram, where field observations reveal that many students struggle with mastering basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, which are foundational for understanding more advanced mathematical concepts. Therefore, this community service aims to help students develop skills in understanding and operating basic algebraic concepts, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of algebraic expressions. This service is conducted at SMPN 16 Mataram, located in Mataram city, with the participants being 23 students from class VII of SMP in Mataram. The data used in this service activity is sourced from the implementation of the Madrasah Indonesia Competency Assessment (AKM) guidance activity to improve students' literacy and numeracy competencies at SMPN 16 Mataram, conducted by 7<sup>th</sup> grade mathematics teacher. The evaluation of the activity was done through interviews with both the teacher and the students of grade 7th. The results of this activity show a significant improvement in the numeracy skills of students in algebraic arithmetic operations at SMPN 16 Mataram, class VII. This improvement is measurable, with the average score initially at 40, which then increased to 70 after the implementation of the program or community service activities. This indicates that students who previously had difficulty understanding and mastering algebraic arithmetic operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with variables or algebraic expressions, made significant progress after being given guidance and practice. Therefore, the addition of numeracy-focused programs is effective in helping students solve problems.</p>Nurzilatul AiniS. Antya RohmawatiTri Saputri
Copyright (c) 2025 Nurzilatul Aini, S. Antya Rohmawati, Tri Saputri
2025-02-032025-02-035181510.29303/rengganis.v5i1.503Penerapan Literasi Oleh Mahasiswa Kampus Mengajar di Sekolah Dasar Melalui Kegiatan SeRaKa Bercerita
<p>The "SeRaKa Tells Stories" program (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Tells Stories) is a form of service carried out in the Class 8 Teaching Campus Program to increase the literacy of elementary school students. This program aims to increase students' reading interest, storytelling skills, and reading comprehension through reading aloud methods, interactive discussions, and storytelling. Participants in this activity are students from SD Negeri 4 Ampenan three times a week. The results of the service showed a significant increase in students' interest in reading, their ability to understand reading content, and their confidence in speaking in public. Even though there are several obstacles, such as limited reading materials and limited time, this program still shows its effectiveness in building a sustainable literacy culture in elementary schools. Therefore, the development of creativity and technology-based literacy programs is recommended for further service to overcome challenges in increasing student literacy</p>Kusamantha Dwi KayantiNurul WahidaSiska Dhia PratiwiKarina Lisia NurzasmithaAzalia Fikria
Copyright (c) 2025 Azalia Fikria, Nurul Wahida, Kusamantha Dwi Kayanti, Siska Dhia Pratiwi, Karina Lisia Nurzasmitha
2025-02-042025-02-0451162310.29303/rengganis.v5i1.517Program Pengenalan Hand-Only CPR Pada Siswa Dan Guru SD Negeri 37 Ampenan
<p>Introduction to Hands-Only Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) for Students and Teachers is an important step in increasing awareness and the ability to provide first aid in cases of sudden cardiac arrest occurring outside of a hospital, particularly in school environments. This socialization demonstrates that education and training on Hands-Only CPR, conducted using effective methods, can improve the skills of students and teachers in delivering basic life support to cardiac arrest patients. This socialization activity was attended by thirty students and teachers at Elementary School 37 Ampenan, Mataram City. The program included material presentations, demonstrations, a question and answer session, and hands-on practice using simple mannequins. The hands-on practice was conducted with the help of a rhythm song. Through this socialization, students were able to understand the main steps, such as correct and consistent chest compressions, and learn important emergency contact numbers. As a result of the Hands-Only CPR education, students were able to explain this first aid procedure to their peers in front of the class and contribute positively in emergency situations, as well as increase their confidence in taking action during a real emergency.</p>Lara Maras NantanaFitriani Restu Jayan PutriMuhammad AbiansahMuhammad Aras AlkadriMuhamad HendiAbdul Majid
Copyright (c) 2025 Lara Maras Nantana, Fitriani Restu Jayan Putri, Muhammad Abiansah, Muhammad Aras Alkadri, Muhamad Hendi, Abdul Majid
2025-02-062025-02-0651243310.29303/rengganis.v5i1.512Pemberdayaan Teknologi Digital dalam Pemblajaran di SMP NW Mataram melalui Program Kampus Mengajar
<p>The Kampus Mengajar Program aims to improve the quality of education in schools through collaboration between students and teaching staff. This article discusses the implementation of digital technology in learning at NW Mataram junior high school, with the aim of improving students' literacy, numeracy and digital skills. Implementation methods include observation, teaching assistance, technology training, and learning assessment. The results show that the use of digital technology such as interactive PowerPoint, learning applications, and online-based assessments increases student motivation and understanding. However, obstacles such as limited internet access are still a challenge. Recommendations are given to strengthen training for teachers and students in optimal use of digital technology.</p>Muhammad Kasyiful Kurabi KasyifEma Suryani AzmiLidya Arini Sholeha
Copyright (c) 2025 Muhammad Kasyiful Kurabi Kasyif, Ema Suryani Azmi, Arini Sholeha