Optimalisasi Pendampingan Belajar Home Learning di Era Pandemi Covid-19 di Binalatung Pantai Amal Kota Tarakan
The Home Learning program during the COVID-19 pandemic is a community service activity in the
implementation of the tri dharma of higher education at the University of Borneo Tarakan. This service
activity is carried out to increase learning motivation and student interest in learning at school. The impact
of the COVID-19 pandemic is enormous in the education sector. The difficulties experienced by parents of
students at Binalatung Pantai Amal is when accompanying their children with inadequate facilities and
abilities, one of which is that parents are busy in their daily activities to earn a living as fishermen and
seaweed farmers. Therefore, to help the parents of these students also stay at home to decide the
transmission of covid-19, we held a home learning program as a community service activity, and the objects
were students in Binalatung. The learning mentoring method used is to provide offline learning assistance
in the form of small groups consisting of 5 people in each study group. The mentoring process went well and
smoothly. The results obtained from the study assistance at the charity beach Binalatung are quite good.
Students are very enthusiastic during the learning mentoring process and feel helped in completing
assignments at school.
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